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//  Origin:  Bergamo, ITALY
//  Genres:  Rock, Rap, alternative
Short Bio

I was born in Bergamo (Italy) in 1991.


Always loved music since when I listened to a Nirvana ep whith 3 singles at 9-10 years old, from then I knew rock was my music and guitar a magic instrument, i must know how to play.


I started playing guitar at 15 years old.

Around 19 years old I become obsessed with Eminem, so his music introduced my into the rap world, which allowed me to know an interesting genre of music and helped me to perfect my english. I also ptacticed freestyles increasing my rhyming skills.


Since when I was at elementary school I was a skilled kid at drawing and I've always had a good attenction for visual details.

After I graduated at high school, I proceeded my studies at University in Milan and I got my degree in biology

Now I'm a science teacher at high school, but I keep my passions alive

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